Hi Everyone,
I have been so overwhelmed with all your emails and video audition submissions, that I am now asking for some help from you.
If anyone would like to intern on teen movie projects, please send an email to ayepublicrelations@gmail.com
It does not matter where you live, as long as you have access to the internet and a computer.
This is a non paid internship.
Rob Tencer
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hey i no all these people say they dream to be on tv but i dont. yerhh its amazing n all . but i jus think that high school musical is amzing iv watched it soo many times i wood jus love to be part of it.. even if im not in the movie . being a study or even the audience wood make me cry. i love the film
hey! i would love to be a part of hsm!! i have always dreamed of beening famous! ive put my heart and soul into acting!pleze! or to just be in any movie at all that would be amazing!!!
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